My Girl Jack

My Girl Jack

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fantastic Friday

I only had to do math and spelling today but only got to math . WOO HOOO!!! We spent the afternoon with friends. I got to play with Brandon's robot. When you turned it on it danced and had red eyes. Tonight, mommy took me to see taekwondo. They were jumping on mini trampolines. If I could jump on the mini tramp I would leap off and run and punch the blue mummies to the ground.

Taekwondo was a bit similar to karate. Both karate and taekwondo have sparing. They are also both martial arts, where you get to kick and punch. I think Hannah would be really good at taekwondo. Mommy might sign her up. Hannah would be best at the sparring.

We are going to have a good weekend. Hugs and kisses Daddy!


  1. Wow! No spelling??? Good thing their's know spelling arrows in this?? Oops even spell check wouldn't catch these mistakes. So I guess its a good thank I can spell!!!

  2. I'm glad you did math because that's the best subject, anyway. I can just see you and Hannah doing taekwondo together now.


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